Let’s get real for a moment sisters. Women have been burned, owned and controlled, for a very long time. We know, as women, this oppression figures prominently in our collective history. What we might fully realize is how the mistreatment of women has taken a psychological toll on our mothers. This unfair oppression has generated […]
Category: Mother / Daughter Issues

6 Things You Can Say Instead of Giving Advice – Help From a Raleigh Therapist
You know the feeling. You are just itching to give advice, but you can sense it isn’t the best thing to do. Does your daughter really want your advice or so they just want to be heard? You’ve noticed: Your advice always seems to fall on deaf ears. Or worse, your daughter appears to […]

The Truly Impossible Difficult Narcissistic Mother: Help From a Raleigh Therapist
Do you have a truly impossible narcissistic mother? The narcissistic mother wrote the book on sending mixed messages. Saying one thing and meaning another is like breathing for her. Exclaiming, that she loves you without bounds one minute and then criticizing every move you make the next is crazy making for sure. What do you […]

If It’s Not One Thing It’s Your Mother : Mother/Daughter Relationship Problems- Help From a Raleigh Therapist
Mother/Daughter Relationship Problems The lie that drove everything. Despite advances in women’s lives, your mother was lied to by her culture. The lie was that women are not worthy. Your mother learned from living in a patriarchal culture that she was not good enough and her female power was dangerous. Men throughout the ages have […]

Guilt, Daughter And Therapy- Help From A Raleigh Therapist
Guilt, Daughters and Therapy: When daughters end up feeling guilty when they come to therapy. A daughter came to me for help, describing a truly awful mother/daughter dynamic. Yep that’s right, ripe for Jerry Springer stuff. Mom alternately lifted her daughter up, “you know you are the only one I can depend on” only […]

Mother/ Daughter Relationship Issues – The Delicate Dance From Dependence To Independence
( mother/daughter relationship issues) Let’s face it, mothers and daughters have a history. Is it any wonder they have issues? No other relationship is tasked with wrestling the competing urges of dependence and independence right from the get-go. From labor’s first contractions, mothers are both holding on to and letting go of their children. Let’s first […]

5 ( Not So Obvious Signs) You Have a Narcissistic Mother – Help From a Raleigh Therapist
5 (subtle) Signs You Have A Narcissistic Mother After all – It is all about her, not you. Not every narcissistic mother becomes a movie star and stands saying, “I’m ready for my close up Mr. DE Mille”. Women have been socialized to appear accommodating and self-effacing which can obscure the underlying narcissistic personality disorder […]