(Attracting the Right Man – Help From A Raleigh Therapist) Did mom teach you that manipulating a man was the way to get love, either by her treatment or example? “What do you think?” said Susan from the therapy couch, her eyes searching, eager to be reassured. “He said he was feeling really close to […]
Category: Uncategorized

Narcissistic Mother?- Help From A Raleigh Therapist
(Narcissistic Mother? – Help from a Raleigh Therapist) Did mom – cast shadows of doubt while appearing to support you? Let me “spell” this one out for you. Did mom say one thing, but mean another. Did she give you mixed messages?

How A Narcissistic Mother Can Set Her Daughter Up For Postpartum Depression- Help from a Raleigh Therapist
(How A Narcissistic Mother Can Set Her Daughter Up For Postpartum Depression- Help from a Raleigh Therapist) Postpartum Depression- When you become the mother. For, you, the daughter of the Narcissistic mother, new motherhood can be terrifying. Just when everyone expects you to be blissing out, you can feel like a failure. Do you look […]

Will Your Narcissistic Mother Ever Understand You? -What To Do If She Never Does
Can your mother empathize with you? Can she get past her defensiveness and put herself in your place? What do you do if the answer is no? But what if you need to get past this to move on, claim your life for yourself and parent to your daughter. How do you do this? This […]

The Hidden Reason You Can’t Stand Up To Your Narcissistic Mother & What To Do About It
As a psychotherapist to women for over 30 years, I have seen this pattern over and over again. Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers, trapped in the role of the “Good Daughter” can’t bring themselves to stand up to their narcissistic mothers. They want to, they mean to, but in the end, they just can’t do it. […]

How To Give Your Daughter The Self Esteem You Never Got From Your Own Mother
Let me ask you: How do you want your daughter to feel about herself? If I know you, you would gnaw off your right arm if that would give your daughter the self-esteem you wished you had gotten from your Narcissistic mother. You want more than anything for your daughter to feel confident and sure of […]

Healing From Your Narcissistic Mother Can Help You Embrace A New Way of Parenting
If you struggle or have struggled with your relationship with your narcissistic mother, my guess is you are determined to do things differently. While your own struggle has been painful, this may open the psychological door for you to make the very changes that can set both you and your daughter free.

Is It Love Or Anxiety? Help from a Raleigh therapist
WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT? Is it love or relationship anxiety? Are you feeling anxiety about a relationship and mistaking it for love? After hearing clients for over 30 years talk about love and the wounds they sustained from loving people who were hard to love, I began to […]

Guilt, Daughter And Therapy- Help From A Raleigh Therapist
Guilt, Daughters and Therapy: When daughters end up feeling guilty when they come to therapy. A daughter came to me for help, describing a truly awful mother/daughter dynamic. Yep that’s right, ripe for Jerry Springer stuff. Mom alternately lifted her daughter up, “you know you are the only one I can depend on” only […]

Relationship Counseling- Help From a Raleigh Therapist
When Trying To Have A Relationship Gets In The Way Of Relating. Are you trying too hard? “I don’t want to come across as a bitch but I sure as hell don’t want to come across as a doormat!” I hear woman after woman moan on my therapy couch. So many women struggle with this issue. “If […]