Psychodynamic psychotherapy addresses the conscious as well as the unconscious roots of emotional pain. What is the unconscious and how does it affect the present? Let’s begin with how feelings become unconscious- You have to give credit to the brilliance of our psychological mind. It operates much like our physical body in response to pain. […]
Category: anxiety
Anxiety therapy in Raleigh, NC, Help with Anxiety in Raleigh NC

Is It Love Or Anxiety? Help from a Raleigh therapist
WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT? Is it love or relationship anxiety? Are you feeling anxiety about a relationship and mistaking it for love? After hearing clients for over 30 years talk about love and the wounds they sustained from loving people who were hard to love, I began to […]

How Does Therapy Work And Why Is Change So Hard ? Help From A Raleigh Therapist
When you first get into therapy, I’ll bet you will say you want to lose something. “I want to get rid of this anxiety once and for all”. “I want to lose this depression for good!” What I almost never hear is,“ I want to lose this way of knowing myself and being in the […]

Getting Over A Breakup- Help From A Raleigh Therapist
( Getting Over A Breakup- Help From A Raleigh Therapist ) First Aid for the Broken Heart: Counseling So he/she said he just wasn’t that into you? Or he/she has another? Or he/she just plain said something that was so hurtful you need to move on. Remember you can’t force someone to have feelings they don’t, […]

Anxiety, Worry & Stress?- Help From a Raleigh Therapist
Anxiety, Worry & Stress- Help From a Raleigh Therapist We know all too well…. the pit in the stomach, butterflies, short shallow breath, heart racing; the scattered fearfulness of anxiety. By definition, Anxiety is fear of the unknown. We know to be afraid, but of what, we aren’t entirely sure. Certainly, anxiety serves several functions and […]

Therapy For Gay And Lesbian Clients- Help from a Raleigh therapist
Therapy for gay and lesbian clients; help from a Raleigh therapist After years of being closeted you came out some time ago. It took grit and courage and was one of the hardest things and most important things you have ever done. Perhaps you steeled yourself for reactions. And now you have gotten on with […]

What If I Don’t Feel Like Talking? Help From A Raleigh Therapist
What if I don’t feel like talking? …… If therapy is really addressing significant issues, there will be times when instead of being eager to talk, you will feel like clamming up. This is to be expected. This is where the structure of regular times and regular sessions are in fact well …therapeutic. Here’s the […]

Choosing Growth And Transformation After Heartbreak – Help From A Raleigh Therapist
The choice-after the emotional face plant: So you have picked yourself up and dusted your self off from the humiliation of a resounding defeat, rejection or downright heartbreak. Feeling good and sorry for yourself you ate the entire bag of potato chips and thrown yourself one hell of a pity party. Funny hats and horn […]